━═★New Moon Blessings ★═━
The New Moon in Taurus occurs on Thursday, 23rd April 2020 (with its zenith at 12.25pm, Brisbane Time). Although New Moon energy is focused during the four weeks following its zenith, the intensity of the New Moon will be felt from the day before the zenith.
A new moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new 28-day cycle. The spiritual connection focus for a Taurean New Moon is an opportunity to create change – simplistically, realistically. Review your attitude towards money and possessions ~ it’s time to spark joy!
Those who are Taurean or who have Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in their astrological natal charts, will feel this New Moon significantly.
━═★ What does that mean for you? ★═━
During the four weeks influenced by this Taurus New Moon, you are being urged to notice what brings joy, enthusiasm and that “ahhhhhhhhh” feeling within your life and living. Make time to simply BE. To think, to ponder and to enjoy nature.
Taurean moon energy is like a fantastic workout – spiritually, physically, intellectually and emotionally. The results are going to stick like glue! So, it’s time to nourish and flourish (with a little pampering thrown in!)
Taurus, The Bull, is the first of the Earth signs – known to be stubborn or rampaging within the proverbial china shop. Little do people remember that The Bull is a great planner – they look to the big picture while enjoying the moment. Want a greener pasture? Now’s the time to plan for it. Noticing lots of red flags annoying the bejeebers out of you? It’s time to recognise the trigger and deal with it.
Taurean New Moon energy provides the tenacity and the fertiliser for the rest of the year!
━═★ Ritual/Healing Suggestions ★═━
A short healing ritual you may like to try either as an individual or in a small group.
Items required:
- A plant or a seed
- Candle – blue, green, turquoise, red or yellow – and candleholder
- Matches/lighter
- A pot and dirt to fill the pot
- A coin ($1 or 5c) – it’s your choice!
- Taurean Crystals – (see list later in the article)
- Paper and pen
- Choose your sacred space for your ritual and reflection. Although it is preferable to see the night sky, you can choose somewhere where you feel comfortable, nurtured and secure (which is ideal Taurus energy).
- Set the items for the ritual before you. When distractions have been minimised, put on some of your favourite music and/or light your favourite incense.
- Breathe gently and with awareness. Centre yourself.
- Light your candle and recite the following:
As I light this candle on this night
I ask the Great Mother to be by my side
For healing, grace, joy and ease
To use this Taurean Moon Energy wisely, please.
- Once the candle is lit, take your paper and pen. Reflect on any change you wish to make within the next four weeks. Write these down (you are unlimited in the number – choose the number which feels right to you).
- Then think about the next six months – what changes, projects, desires would you like to see prosper? Write these down. Once again, there is no limitation – be as verbal and prolific as you feel led.
- Now visualise each of these items as seeds that you plant in a garden/field/forest. Imagine yourself tending these seeds and watching them grow. Speak words of encouragement as you tend these seeds. Note how they grow and the beauty of the growth process. Take as long as you wish for this visualisation and meditation
- As you bring your healing meditation to a close, ground yourself.
- Fill your pot with a little dirt. Place the coin and your piece of paper (folded) on top of the dirt. Fill the pot with dirt; place your seed or small plant within the pot.
- You may choose to place your Taurean crystals within the dirt or on top of the dirt.
- Place your potted plant in a suitable space. Water it while thinking words of gratitude for your life and living.
- Focus again on your breath – breathing gently and with awareness.
- Blow out your candle.
━═★ Mundane Magic ★═━
Activities you can do for the Taurus Moon
- Be creative – experiment with sculpting, pottery, cooking.
- Make time to contemplate; either through a massage, meditation or booking yourself in for a healing treatment.
- Choose one thing to complete and do so mindfully, slowly and deliberately. Be in the moment.
- In the garden, plant root crops like potatoes and carrots or flower bulbs. Sit back and enjoy your hard work.
- Apply for a loan, re–work your budget or purchase something to enhance your home.
- Turn off the computer, the phone and then kick back with a good book and/or listen to some of your favourite music.
- Gather your family around you or go to visit a relative who may be lonely.
- Celebrate earthly pleasures – eat a fine meal, indulge in a bubble bath, cover your bed with satin sheets.
- Write a gratitude list or define what you value in life and living.
- De–clutter your house and your life.
━═★ Taurus Moon of Dreaming ★═━
The New Moon fill’s the crescent’s cup
It’s shadow drawing us to the light
Taurus Energy from which to sup.
What you shall sow, so shall you reap
Contemplate body, mind and spirit
Choose wisely which intentions to keep.
━═★ Suitable Crystals for Gridding ★═━
If you are gridding, suitable crystals to work with this New Moon include: topaz, carnelian, emerald, opal, jasper, malachite, amber.
━═★ Taurus New Moon Magick ★═━
When the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, you may notice people’s protective and stubborn streaks coming out into the open. Just like the Bull, Taurus energy guards what it believes to be of value. Creative and artistic endeavours are also favoured during this sign’s influence. New projects will be enhanced with longevity, usefulness, increasing value but also be less inclined to change. Take your time and choose well – Taurus energy sticks!
A perfect time to buy or bless any magickal tools involving pentacles or objects you associate with Earth.
The Taurus New Moon is beneficial for magick concerning:
- Shifting slow energy
- Boosting longevity
- Releasing stress, attracting relaxation
- Pets and domestic animals
- Willpower and stress
- Connecting with your true essence through meditation
- Banishing or releasing through the Element of Earth.
May the New Moon’s blessings be yours
Make a magickal day!
┊┊ <3 ~ Caithe •* <3 *•♫
Celticai Studio & Wiccan Walk in Oz
Excerpts from this article are from A Wiccan’s Walk in Oz (2014) written by Caithe Cameron and Rebecca Major.