Cut The Crap
Reset Your Life – Adventure into Ascension
Namaste and Welcome! This blog is a summary of the free energy clearing and healing session broadcast on Mixlr on November 4, 2014

Broadcast Title: Cut The Crap
On connection with Spirit, I received three songs:
- I knew a Man named Michael Finnegan
- I see you and you see me
- Rock Around The Clock
What does it all mean?
These songs speak to me of where we are choosing to be rigid in our life. With the Full Moon in Taurus at the end of the week, many of us will be feeling La Luna’s pull over the next few days. Emotions will be heightened and you may be feeling as if you are swimming in the crap of yourself and of others!
This energy appears to be purposeful in its design ~ it’s calling for personal action. Would you choose to wallow in the crap or create a new breathing space where you are able to create the new energy you require.
Let’s clear the energy around “Cut The Crap.”
Everywhere you have chosen rigidity, would you choose flexibility with ease? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What choice can you be to allow the debris to flow free and create from a space of truth-filled prosperity? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What can you create from a space of Divine Timing? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What energy can you reconfigure, revilitale and reset to create positive change, choice and ease? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
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This blog is a summary of the free energy clearing and healing session broadcast on Mixlr on November 4, 2014