━═★ Full Moon Blessings ★═━
The Full Moon in Scorpio on Thursday, 7th May 2020 is exact at 8.45 pm, Brisbane Time.
It will particularly impact upon the energies of those with Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius within their natal charts. Full Moons are also energetically connected to the previous New Moon’s goals, dreams and plans. They illuminate your ‘growth points’ – pay attention to thought, word, deed and circumstance.
What did you put into motion two weeks ago? This Scorpio Moon brings an opportunity to heal and/or harvest your continuing work.

━═★ What does that mean for you? ★═━
The last of the SuperMoons for the year is in the sign of Scorpio. Secrets, signficances and symbols will abound. Truth and truth-telling are important – maintain your integrity as this chapter closes. Begin your story with your head held high.
This Full Moon will be heightening intuitive abilities so that you may be aware of just HOW and WHY things stand. You will find your focus turning towards Healing Thyself. This may mean that each emotion you experience during these three days will feel super-charged. This is the Universe’s way of saying: Fix it, Henry, Fix it.
Call on all your Guides, Guardians, Super Heroes, and Personal Power to help you get through this. Most importantly, as always, stay grounded because you WILL need to discern between your monkeys and everyone else’s monkeys to help you get through this circus.
Having started with the “uh-oh” factor, this Full Moon has got sticking potential – healing completed during this time will LAST. Choose wisely and from a place of strength rather than weakness.
━═★ Appropriate Cleansing Ceremony/Ritual ★═━
Scorpio energy is an excellent time to cleanse and set intentions for positive relationships.
Items Required:
- Wish candle
- Crystals
- Candle holder
- Mirror (optional)
- Lighter
- Deck of cards
- Salt, eucalyptus leaves or incense of your choice
Choose a wish candle (these are about 10cm in height) – white is ideal! However, choose a colour which speaks to you of love, respect and balance.
Place the candle in a holder and place it on a safe, stable surface. Interestingly, you may like to try putting the candle and candleholder on a flat mirror. (Magickal!) Surround the holder by crystals (look to the list below for gridding) or just use clear quartz.
Surround this with salt or eucalyptus leaves or smudge with incense.
At the time of the Full Moon:
If you can be outside in direct sight of the Moon, that’s great! If not, that’s okay too.
Breathe deeply and light the candle. Touch the flame to the candle three times, saying:
“Protected by the Lord and Lady,
Guided by the Lord and Lady,
Blessed by the Lord and Lady
I welcome all energies that contribute clarity
Bless all relationships surrounding me
I seek balance and positive contributions by three
May my intentions harm none – so mote it be.”
Lift your face to the Moon and contemplate your relationships – how you can be the best version of you within them?
Consult a deck of tarot or oracle cards by asking them: “Truth, where may I focus my attention within my life to benefit my balance, personal growth and soul evolution?”
You may wish to diffuse some Eucalyptus Oil or burn Eucalyptus Incense during this time.
When the candle has finished burning, give your thanks to the Moon and carefully clear away the salt, crystals and candle wax thoughtfully.
━═★ Scorpio Moon of Dreaming ★═━
Scorpio Full Moon ~ the Hidden Key
Tune intuition’s channel
Release all things bashful.
Shine perception on balance and might
And truth on fear, strife and fight.
As I will, so mote it be.
━═★ Suitable Crystals for Gridding ★═━
If you are gridding, suitable crystals to work with this Full Moon include:
Amethyst, topaz, dioptase, agate, boji stones, golden yellow topaz, charoite, hiddenite, malachite, kunzite, labradorite, moonstone, Peridot, rhodocrhosite, ruby, turquoise, variscite.
━═★ Scorpio Full Moon Magick ★═━
When the Moon is in Scorpio, you may notice an increase in the use of intuitive abilities within yourself and others. Secrets are sought and people’s verbal sting becomes stronger. A powerful time to look for lost items and buy or bless any magickal tools involving cauldrons, chalices or other objects you associate with Water. Mirror Magick is strongly favoured during a Scorpio Moon.
The Scorpio Full Moon is beneficial for magickal intentions concerning:
- Banishing magick
- Patience
- Releasing grudges and anger
- Dreams
- Rainmaking
- Past Life or Karmic Healing
- Acknowledging the end of a cycle.
━═★ Scorpio Full Moon Healing Event ★═━
This healing list is FREE for any and all who wish to receive a Reiki (balancing energy) flow over the 72 hours commencing 7th May 2020
The beauty of a healing event is that there is no need to ATTEND, only INTEND to receive its benefit.
A Full Moon Healing event uses the energies of the Full Moon to further personal and spiritual development. The easiest way toengage with energetic healing is that it requires your permission. I have a crystal grid set up and the energy is programmed to be sent to and received by any who wish to receive.
Receiving the healing energy simply requires your permission.
You do this by stating: I allow and receive all healing energy I require.
Simple, yes?
Some people like to take this further by:
- sitting in the moonlight and meditating
- creating their own crystal grid
- writing in their journal
- looking after their own body – water, sleep and recreation
- finding ways to express themselves
- encouraging themselves to be aware.
If you find yourself feeling anxious and fearful, put your shoulders back, breathe deeply and say out loud: “I am the powerful creator of my Universe. I choose my co-creators wisely.”
May the Full Moon’s blessings be yours
Make a magickal day!
┊┊ <3 ~ Caithe •* <3 *•♫