━═★ Full Moon Blessings ★═━
The Full Moon in Gemini on 14th December 2016 (11.05am, Brisbane Time) is a supermoon. Therefore, the energies will be magnified more than usual. Full Moons are energetically connected to the previous New Moon’s goals, dreams and plans. What did you put into motion two weeks ago? This full moon brings an opportunity to harvest what was sown.
Gemini Full Moon – December 2016
━═★ What does that mean for you? ★═━
Gemini energy can be topsy turvey and of ‘two minds’. The energies at this time are working at a soul level – reminding you of issues that you have pushed to the background. You may find yourself contemplating (okay, more like being smacked in the face with a frying pan type of contemplation) with sudden and interesting changes – all to do with communication or a lack thereof! First and foremost, your two sides – the obvious and the hidden – will be trying to communicate with you. As you are not only approaching the craziness of Christmas, you are also facing the Winter Solstice on December 21st and Mercury going retrograde on December 19th (till January 8th). This equals intense communication between all parts of you – with each other, with those around you and with the energies of CHANGE.
All yourself to recognise the emotions, thoughts and experiences as they occur – they are just interesting. You can dwell and ‘swell’ with your experience or you can let go and ride the flow.
Note: those emotions, thoughts and experiences that arise are your body’s way of trying to say: please, can we balance and karmically heal this?
Trying to find time for some form of relaxation, connecting with friends and family, or finally starting that journaling you’ve always said you would do, would be ideal activities.
━═★ Gemini Moon of Dreaming ★═━
Walk under the Gemini Moon with gentleness
May all your plans be stress–less
Fill each moment with thankfulness
This is a life of consciousness!.
━═★ Suitable Crystals for Gridding ★═━
If you are gridding, suitable crystals to work with this Full Moon include: Diamond, jade, agate, topaz, tourmaline, aquamarine, apophyllite, blue sapphire, Citrine, celestite, chrysocolla, emerald, serpentine, tanzanite, tiger’s eye, variscite, ulexite, arfvedsonite, onyx, jasper, carnelians, Chrysoprase, flint.
━═★ Gemini Full Moon Magick ★═━
When the Moon is in Gemini, you may notice everything and everyone is easily distracted. This applies to you too! It is a time when the superficial seems stable. Any conclusions, judgements or computations are subject to quicksilver changes and a lack of clarity. Gemini Moon energy enhances the range of possibilities and allows you to see ‘both sides’ at one time.
A perfect time to buy or bless any magickal tools involving besoms, athames or other objects you associate with Air.
A Gemini Full Moon is beneficial for magick concerning:
- Enhancing your reputation (especially using the internet)
- Focus and divination
- Sending/receiving messages; generating ideas; creating solutions
- Increasing energy for communication, new ideas and learning
- Contacting people or spiritual energies (especially the Techno Fae)
- Travel
- Gathering scattered pieces into a whole.
You are welcome to join the free healing event HERE on Facebook.
Celticai Studio & Wiccan Walk in Oz
┊┊ <3 ~ Caithe •* <3 *•♫