Thank you for joining me for the Online Meditation Circle at Reflect Radio. If you would like to listen to the broadcast, please CLICK HERE.
We begin with a statement of intention: We are surrounded by the light, enfolded by love, protected by power, watched over by Source. Wherever we are, Source is. I now ask the question: What would it take for us to open in our awareness in the perfect amounts required for the highest good of all? What would it take for us to be protected with Source Energy as we expand our awareness? In perfect love and perfect trust – Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise. Namaste
Intuitive Development Tip ~ Source ~ Know where your guidance comes from – whether it be ego, emotion or Spirit. Ego and emotion affect our ability to receive short term guidance easily. Think of stepping into an elevator filled with Scary People. Go in or not? Our Ego and Emotions are there for us to experience, process and remember life – however our perception can often become skewwhiff!
Long term guidance comes from Spirit and is not as readily discerned. Many of us have turned out intuition off. Your Purpose-Filled Self – the one who knows THE plan for your life and wants you to get there with ease, joy and glory is part of Spirit.
To follow the flow of energy (rather than fight against it) means not only listening to Spirit, but also listening to the conversation of your body and mind. Learning to discern and following the truth of your combined understanding takes courage.
Crystals with Rosie – Online Meditation Circle

Snowflake Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass rock. It is made by lava being thrown from a volcano and it cools quickly. The snowflake pattern is formed by small holes on the surface of the obsidian being filled with a mineral such as feldspar or quartz. These become the form of white “snowflake” crystal patterns. It is considered to be a stone of purity and ideal for balancing any type of chaotic situation (office, commute, home, etc.) which presents itself.
It may also be known as Flowering Obsidian. As a member of the Obsidian family, it is the gentlest of the ass-kicking properties of this crystal. Especially for people new to the Spiritual Walk, Snowflake Obsidian is the ideal form to work with for self-healing.
It sharpens the external and internal vision. Snowflake Obsidian shows the contrast of life: black – symbolizes mastery over the physical plane, white – symbolizes the purity of Source within. It will help you clear out all the cobwebs in the corners of your mind.
It anchors the physical body to the Centre of the Earth and facilitates soul healing. Obsidian draws hidden imbalances to the surface and releases them. Placed on the sacral chakra, snowflake obsidian will calm and soothe while allowing you to view unhealthy patterns in your own behaviour. This is a doorway to change.
The blackness of this stone enhances the ability to reach your inner self. It is one of the earliest known stones to be used for scrying (seeing into the future).
The following is from the Crystal Connections’ Crystal Cards.
- brings peace and balance to the mind and body; excellent for meditation
- It aids digestion – physically and emotionally. It not only helps your digestive processes. It also reorganises ‘wrong’ thinking and releases emotional blockages
- Improves circulation and strengthens bones
- Highly protective stone forming an impenetrable barrier while in the healing phase – nothing gets past Obsidian’s shield – not even yourself. Facing your own reflection with clarity can be challenging. However Snowflake Obsidian does so gently rather than Obsidian’s in your face strength for healing.
- Teaches you to value your mistakes as well as your successes.
- It encourages a sensitivity to the beauty of balance within Universal patterns.
- Heals past life emotions and trauma
- Brings insight to the cause of disease
- Dissolves blockages in the physical body
- Reduces pain associated with arthritis, joint problems, cramps and injuries.
- Warms the extremities; Assists with prostrate problems
- supports smooth skin.
Metaphysical Characteristics
Magickal connection: “Obsidian with white snowflake, Bring forth the balance I seek to make”
Primary Chakra: Base Chakra
Astrological sign(s): Virgo, Capricorn
Vibration: Number 8
Interesting Fact: Obsidian is used in cardiac surgery, as well-crafted obsidian blades have a cutting edge many times sharper than high-quality steel surgical scalpels.
Please note: Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information.
Advert: Crystal Connections, located in Caboolture, Queensland Australia has a very large range of quality crystals from easy to hold tumbled pieces through to very large display pieces. All crystals may be purchased through their website: or visit them on Facebook to make an enquiry as to how you can own a genuine crystal for yourself.
Tarot with Kristen – Online Meditation Circle
Our tarot card is the eighth card of the Wand Suit – the Eight of Wands. All the wands card represent the element of FIRE. This is spirit, passion, purpose. IT represents the energy behind our choices.
It’s Esoteric Name is Swiftness. This is card which exemplifies movement and creating movment now. It is a not a time to dilly-dally, no holding back, no excuses. Do it now. This is an opportunity to move and change cycles of behaviour. This card take sno prisoners. And you are not a prisoner, are you? This card says: It’s okay to be me – I don’t have to be perfect; as long as I am making use of what I have, right now, it’s okay.
What do you see when you look at this card? What first caught your eye?
It encourages you to look between the lines – what is holding you back? Boundaries, emotions, fears? It asks you to make carefully considered and planned changes – not those that are spontaneous.
Try a new cycle – as a card of 8 – it is symbolic of moving from one cycle/choice of behaviour to another. This card asks you to step oout of your comfort zone. This change will assist you to grow and learn quickly.
It’s difficult to read as there are no people. There are 8 sticks, a house, a hill and a flowing river.
What does house mean to you? Safety, security, renovations?
What does hill mean to you? A step up in awareness
River – calm emotions, flowing steadily and purposefully towards its goal
This card reminds us to observe and change. Fight it all you like but change is the one constant in our lives. When we are fighting the flow, we feel out of control.
One of the participants from Meditation Circle noticed the placement of the 8 wands themselves… the gaps spoke to her of how it can be hard to take the first step but once started, it can become much easier.
It reminds me of Roadrunner – the speed lines behind him. He always outwits the Wily Coyote which reminds me of fears. The Roadrunner always evades those fears and succeeds.
If this card is drawn in a multi-card reading, the wands will often point to WHAT needs addressing in your life. It can also show what will/or won’t eventuate from those changes. It’s all dependent on the placement in a multi-card reading.
Kristen likens this card to Snowflake Obsidian.
Key Questions top consider in contemplate:
- Where am I resisting the natural flow or going with it?
- What is the point of my current situation?
- Is it necessary to step back and have a break?
- Where priorities require attention?
- Looking into my environment, is everything in balance?
ADVERT: Kristen Morrison is a Pathfinder, messenger and facilitator for the healing journey at Kristen Morrison – Swedish Massage and Healing. She facilitates the understanding of Tarot and Reiki. Connect with Kristen on Facebook to increase your understanding as well.
Meditation with Caithe – Online Meditation Circle
Meditation is designed to increase your focus and your ability to expand your awareness. In today’s modern world, we are encouraged to be BUSY. This isn’t conducive to meditation! In our meditation circle, you are encouraged to meditate for only a short period through active visualisation provided by Caithe. If you are distracted, bring yourself back to the task by focussing on your breath. Whether you meditate for 15 minutes or for 1 minute, your body will thank you for the peace!
You may like to meditate with a piece of Snowflake Obsidian or the Eight of Wands. The meditation is a recording taken at the Monday Mediation Circle at Crystal Connections…If you would like to listen to the meditation, please CLICK HERE.
A Reading a day develops intuition in a superior way!
Use your journal for recording your readings. For this activity, select a deck and clear it. Ask: May I, Can I, Should I? This not only seeks permission, it also asks Universal Source for permission. Finally, it confirms whether you have the skill level to read at THIS moment for your PURPOSE. Write your reading down to read again at a later date. If we have time, we will work in small groups to read the cards for one another.
Next Online Meditation Circle: July 2nd, 2014
We thank all the positive energies and entities for providing guidance and insight today. We thank each of you for this opportunity to spend time with like-minded people in a space of honour and light. Whenever you are in that place in me and I am in that place within me, we are One. Namaste