Radio Show Transcript Date:28 Aug, 2012
Let’s talk about… Access. Access Consciousness, that is. *laughing* Were you worried what I was going to say? It’s a pleasure to give you a small introduction to Access Consciousness today. I was first introduced to Access Consciousness by my lovely friend and co-host, Shelli Speaks approximately 18 months ago. Are you ready to receive? Everything that doesn’t allow that ~ GBRWPPA9SB&B. I am a Certified Bars Facilitator who loves giving and receiving Bars. Using some of the tools has opened up huge pathways of change and choice within my own life and I’m so excited to be learning even more! I hope to share what Access Consciousness is and isn’t, the meaning of the clearing statement, share some interesting tools to use for expanding consciousness and flow into some consciousness clearing today!
Woot! How does it get any better than this??
Let’s set the intention for today’s broadcast…
We are surrounded by the light, enfolded by love, protected by Power and watched over by Source. Wherever we are, Source is. I now set the intention that you are only open to the energies and information meant for your healing and consciousness in the perfect amounts needed for your healing and awareness at this time. Namaste.
When Shelli first introduced me to Gary Douglas, the Founder of Access Consciousness, I wasn’t too sure who I wanted to hit more – Shelli or Gary. Gary won. Fortunately, I was sufficiently empowered enough to realise something as well as to choose not to knock Gary out through my computer screen. One of my first questions I asked through the Access tools was: Why am I angry about Access Consciousness? What’s right about being angry that I’m not getting? My growing awareness from this question led me to remembering that Anger operates from our base chakra and our flight or fight reactive system. Anger is a response to being fearful. Great, this led to another question. Why am I fearful about healing designed to open up to oneness, choice, possibility and awareness? Aha! I was brought up and had bought into the need to follow the sheep, to be bound by guilt, shame, fear and control. So, if I was sufficiently angered by the lessons, classes and Mp3s I attended then this was something I actually needed to further my healing journey! Bizarre, right?
So What is Access Consciousness™?
Access Consciousness is a simple set of tools, techniques and philosophies that allow you to create dynamic change in every area of your life, with your body and with yourself. Access Consciousness™ provides you with step-by-step ways to become totally aware and begin to function as the conscious being you really are. Founded by Gary Douglas in 1990 and expanding with the added co-creation of Dr. Dain Heer over the last 11 years, Access Consciousness™ is now available in many countries throughout the world.
Access gives you information about a different way to live your life – one where it is fuelled by ease, fun, joy and glory (which just happens to be the Access Mantra). It gives you a different perspective – on being present in your own life; on discovering the great, amazing and wonderful contribution you can be and on creating and generating the living you truly deserve. You can be the gift you truly be in life, by just being yourself – one full of talents, capabilities, abilities and possibilities!
Access empowers you to know everything you know – and guess what? You know A LOT. You are the only one who truly knows everything about you and what you desire in life and what works for you. You already have everything you have been looking for in life available, Access shows you how to “access it.” I’ll be sharing about this a little later. Access empowers you to have the ability to change anything in your life that isn’t working for you as you would like or as you know it should, into having everything in your life work with more ease, joy and exuberant expression (a.k.a. happiness) than you maybe ever considered truly possible for you.
Access shows you that you can have infinite choice, infinite possibilities and infinite contribution and about how to ask questions and what kinds of questions open up access to those choices, possibilities and contribution that is truly available if you but ask for it.
How does Access Consciousness™ work?
Through a variety of classes, body-work or private sessions, Certified Facilitators and Access Bars Facilitators use questions and verbal processing techniques to empower you in knowing what you know and clear any energetic blockages that are limiting you. It is through you becoming more conscious of what choices and possibilities you have available, that you are able to choose and generate the life you truly would like.
How is consciousness different from spirituality?
Consciousness is very different from spirituality. Generally speaking “spirituality” has the point of view that we have a spirit, (some call soul) that is separate from our body, and greater than or superior to our body. From this point of view, it is our spirit that is the most valuable part of us and that body is considered a limitation to be overcome. That it is our spirit which will ascend to heaven, a higher plane or dimension, greater reality, or greater consciousness. That our spirit is the part of us that makes us closest to God or able to be in Heaven.
Consciousness includes everything without judgment. As consciousness there is no separation, there are no parts, only oneness. Everything in the entire universe is included in oneness and consciousness. As oneness we have an identity that is different from others, or different than say a tree. Yet we energetically are inseparable from anyone or anything. There are different energies, yet everything is energy.
As a human being, you are not just a meat suit with a soul waiting for the next lifetime for ascension. Instead, you are an identity – part of the whole Consciousness of the Universe. That’s pretty darn cool – and very empowering. We have difficulty listening to our Consciousness because we have been programmed not to! We have bought into so many limitations, maintenances, amputations and boundaries that we are not conscious of our connection with Consciousness… we are unconscious!
What are the Bars in Access?
The Bars are the foundation of all of Access and were the first tool developed by Gary Douglas almost 20 years ago.
There are 32 bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic component of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions and beliefs that you have ever had about anything. There are bars for Healing, Body, Control, Awareness, Creativity, Power, Aging, Sex and Money just to name a few. Each thought, idea, attitude, decision or belief that you have fixed in place solidifies the energy and limits your capacity to have that area of your life show up as great, easy and joyful as it really could be.
By gently touching these points on the head, the energy and barriers dissipate and the electromagnetic charge is released. Releasing stuck energy is like deleting old files off your computer. You have more space to create something new and wonderful with more up to date tools!
The purpose of Access Bars is to teach people that they can actually lay there and receive. Receiving is not done on this planet. Doing, doing, doing, in order to make sure you don’t have to receive, is what’s done on this planet. This has to change. You have to be willing to receive in order to have a different possibility in life.
How does the process work?
Running the Bars is a simple, non-invasive, energy process where the facilitator lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy. Receiving this processis called “having your Bars run.” This is used to describe when someone is gently touching any of the 32 points on your head called “The Bars,” by touching these points the energy stored there is released or dissipated from your body. It usually leaves you with a sense of peace and space and a feeling like there is more possibility open to you. *grins* The first time I received Bars, my facilitator kept saying to me: Caithe, get back into your own Universe. RECEIVE!
This is an incredibly dynamic process that will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep or a really great massage, but it can also change your life by opening you up to Consciousness. Access Consciousness offers you the building blocks to greater awareness, The Bars are the first building block.
What can you expect from a Bars session?
At the very least it will feel like the best massage you have ever had, it is totally relaxing. At the best your whole life can change for the better.
No two sessions will ever be exactly the same, even if you have the same person run your Bars each time. Every session accesses new energies, new areas of your life and body, all of it with the overall effect of more ease in every aspect of life.
How often should you have Bars run?
The recommendation is at least once a week and not waiting longer than every three weeks. Most people notice if they have gone more than three weeks that their body feels much better and their life generally goes much smoother if they get their Bars run that often at the least.
Whenever your life seems to be getting more difficult with everything that happens – Those “bad hair” days, grumpy for no apparent reason, really stressed out, or unclear about things; that is when you know it’s time for your next session.
There is not right or wrong way for how often, it is totally up to you. You can’t have your Bars run too often.
The Bars are easy to learn.
In a 1 day Bars class you will receive a class manual with details of everything you need to know, and during the course of the class you will give and receive two bars sessions. This technique can be used in conjunction with any other bodywork and can be used on its own to facilitate change in all areas of life.
These Bars classes are available at Celticai Studio as well as in-Studio and remote Bars sessions. After receiving a Bars session, you will find that you may need a glass of Coke. Yes, the ‘healer’ within me recoils at that too. Let’s PoD, PoC that! J Your body needs sugar and/or salt to process the changes effortlessly, funnily, our body loves the Coke to help it, help YOU.
After this musical interlude, we’ll return to find out a little more about Access Consciousness.
One thing especially regarding Access caught my attention through the red haze of my initial temper tantrums. This was the asking of Questions. During my teaching career, I endeavoured to encourage my students to ASK questions, rather than just parroting the answers expected of them. I hoped to help them break free of the narrow mind-set of ‘education’… and set them on a path of joyous discovery and self-discovery. Okay, I know that this was a ‘big mission’ – especially when I only had them for their first year of ‘formal’ schooling.
I feel that this philosophy of education helped me through my fear of being controlled, losing control and being ‘out of control’. I asked myself: What’s right about being out of control that I’m not getting?
From the womb, We are surrounded by systems of belief, values and attitudes to program us. These are designed to cut off our questions and our desire to find out what MORE the Universe has to offer. How many times in your lifetime have you heard – don’t ask questions, just do it! “when I say jump, just ask: how high?”; “children are meant to be seen, not heard.”; “curiosity killed the cat”.
Didn’t that just bring up an intense amount of energy? Everything that brings up, times a godzillion – Good, Bad, PoD, PoC, all 9s, shorts, boys and beyond.
Where did we lose our child-like awe – was it amidst the removal of choice because you ‘had to do this’ or ‘had to do that?’
We are designed to be seekers of oneness, consciousness – whatever you wish to call communion with Divine Energy and to BE the creators of our own reality.
I love this quote from John O’Donohue: Why must we follow the questions of our soul? Because it is through habitual, non-inquisitive living that we lose our sense of wonder. Because eventually, even the strangest or most magical things become absorbed into the routine of the daily mind with its steady geographies of endurance, anxiety, and contentment. Without conscious intention, curiosity dims and fear of the unknown binds us; we cling to the known. Only seldom does the haze lift, as we glimpse for a moment the amazing plenitude of being here in the heart of the greatest story ever told – our own lives.
Asking good questions is productive, positive and creative – it lifts the haze of programming that surrounds so many of us. Questioning allow us to
- Identify issue/blockages
- Create space for choice within our lives rather than seeing through the tunnel vision of our beliefs, values, attitudes, feelings and emotions created over and throughout all our lifetimes.
- Focus on the present moment
- Open up possibilities for being the change we wish to see in the world
What if the seeking a solution was not the ultimate achievement? What if asking better questions were to help us fulfil the productive, positive and creative energies we truly be? Questions prod our energies to hone in on and attract specific means to create, generate and have lives full of ease, joy and glory!
Instead of saying, “I want to be wealthy or I am healthy,” ask yourself, “What habits do I need to start becoming wealthy and healthy now?”
Instead of stating, “I want to live life to the fullest or My life is full,” ask yourself, “What’s right about my life that I’m not getting?”
If logic, rational thinking and the ‘trusted and true’ ways of being programmed to get ahead in life worked to create joyous lives – wouldn’t everyone be doing that by now?
Let’s help our accessing consciousness by seeking our body’s natural energetic reception to what is true for us. As light-workers, we speak of being LIGHT and of sending love and light. Access has given me a different perspective on LIGHT and sending love and light. Rather than perceiving light as part of the colour spectrum or how we shine. My perception has expanded to it being a feeling – an energetic reaction. Access asks you to listen to your body – it may be a sensation of lightness, an ability to ‘see’ the lightness or even just a ‘knowing’ of lightness – and light is right for you. Although we live on a planet that has gravity, our heaviness is actually layers of programming that steers us away from light. What is light and right for you.. may not be light and right for me.. right now, anyway J
I’d love to share some great basic questions to get your consciousness changing. The interesting thing about questions is this: If you find that you do not HEAR the question. That’s okay – it’s just your energetic receiving antennae have picked up on the call to their SOS. They’ve pushed your monkey mind to the side so that they can RECEIVE!
This broadcast will be available on my website in the posts section within the next couple of hours. You are welcome to comment and share if it has benefitted you.
The Basics
- What else is possible?
- How does it get any better than this?
- What can I choose today that would create and generate a great possibility?
For Clearing blockages to Receiving who you truly be
- What is right about me that I’m not getting?
- Who does this belong to?
- What does this mean to me and what do I mean to it?
For abundance and prosperity
- What could I be paid to do that would be so much fun for me?
- What is my secret agenda about ‘receiving’ that maintains ‘having’ as a limitation, not a possibility?
- What can I BE, DO, HAVE, CREATE and GENERATE today that would create and generate money now and into the future?” (Dr. Dain Heer recommends that this question be asked at least ten times, three times a day, over a month to really see results)
- If you had any Idea how big of a gift and contribution to the world you truly are, how much money would you allow yourself to receive?
And here’s a doozy…
- What secret agenda do I hold with me being wrong as my only reality and only choice, am I using that keep me from being the extraordinary change of consciousness I came here to be?
Remember the importance of questions and the examples we talked about before? The Clearing Statement is the backhoe, the shovel, the mover and shaker that clears the path so that you can SEE the choices and infinite possibilities before you.
So what is the clearing statement? You’ve heard me say it before and those that subscribe to the Adventure into Ascension messages know that I use it ALL the time!
Good, Bad, Right, Wrong, PoD, PoC, All 9s, shorts, boys and beyond.
The Clearing Statement™
The Access Consciousness Clearing Statement™ is an abbreviation for a set of questions that will unlock any limitation you’re experiencing. Originally, this powerful tool was pages and pages long. Now it is just an acronym. Thank Consiousness for that! The clearing statement or as some call it: The PoD Poc thingy or that weird thing Caithe says, works so fast and effectively. The best thing is that you don’t need to KNOW what has cleared – just that it HAS. It clears the way for you to make the choices in your life that will empower you into even greater choices for you. It also clears the way for you to actually receive the changes that will show up instead of rejecting them.
For this following explanation, I’m going to use money as the item we are clearing today.
The long version of “Right & wrong, good & bad all 9” represents:
(1) How have we made money right, good, perfect and correct, or wrong, terrible, awful mean and vicious?
(2) How does money diminish us?
(3) How does money make us absolutely, totally, irrevocably, infinitely, utterly and eternally meaningless?
(4) What are the rewards that make money right, good, perfect and correct or wrong terrible, awful, mean & vicious?
(5) What choices have we made or are we making in regards to money?
(6) What creations create the commitments to the creation of our limitations about money?
(7) How many limitations of dimensionality hold this in existence?
(8) How many controls, definitions, limitations, forms, structures, significances, linearities, and concentricities of you hold this in existence?
(9) What are you unwilling to destroy that holds this in existence?
POC stands for point of creation of the thoughts, feelings and emotions immediately preceding your decision to have implanted this programming about money.
POD stands for the point of destruction, all the ways you have been destroying yourself in order to keep whatever you’re clearing in existence.
Shorts stands for what’s meaningful about this, what’s meaningless about this, what’s the punishment for this, and what’s the reward for this.
What does money mean to us? How do we make it meaningless? What are we punishing ourself for and torturing ourself with in relation to it? What are the rewards of it? How many layers and non-layers do we have in relation to it? How much meaningless crap do we have in relation to it?
In the clearing statement, Boys stands for nucleated spheres. These are pre-verbal. Basically these have to do with those areas of our life where we’ve tried to handle something continuously with no effect. When that occurs, we have the Boys in the Hood. There are some issues which are onions, where you peel away and you get to the core of the issue, and there are some that are not. They are two different things. If you never get to the core of the issue, you are dealing with the nucleated spheres. A lot of what we have tried to peel the layers of the onion on is not actually an onion at all but it’s a nucleated sphere. If you have ever in any lifetime done peeling the layers of the onion as a way to clear an issue and it doesn’t clear, it’s because it’s a nucleated sphere. After 25 billion years of peeling the onion, you never get clear. Nucleated spheres are like kids’ bubble pipes that have five little chambers in it and you blow in it and it fills up with bubbles. You pop one and it fills in, you pop one and it fills in, and the issue never goes away. The source of it is over here where someone’s blowing and you keep popping the bubbles somewhere else and the issue doesn’t ever truly go away. How many nucleated spheres do you have that you’ve misidentified and misapplied as the incomplete onions of your life, and everything that creates all that, can we destroy and uncreate it please?
The clearing statement continues with Beyonds. Beyonds is a feeling or sensation we get in our body which stops us dead in our tracks. Have you ever walked in a room or had someone say something to you that just stops you in your tracks? Perhaps even opening up a utility bill? When you get that bill, everything stops and solidifies in time, space, dimensions, and reality. That’s a beyond. We have lots of areas in our life where we freeze up. Anytime you freeze up, that’s the beyond holding you captive. That’s the difficulty with a beyond: it stops you from being present. All the beyonds creating the eternally beyond keeping you captive, can we destroy and uncreate all that now please? Right and wrong, good and bad, all 9, POD and POC, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds.
The clearing statement does not have to be understood, it just has to be said to create the desired clearing effect. The clearing statement is said at the end of a question.
When I first started using access and doubted my ability to perceive, I would ask: Whatever it is that I’m not perceiving that I should be, what would I choose to destroy and uncreate that? GBRWa9, POD, POC, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds!
It’s weird, it’s wacky, and it works! It’s what I like best about this Access – it’s not linear, it doesn’t have to be logical and it helps me feel my lightness of being again!
There are places in our lives where we can feel pretty stuck. Some areas are great big, boggy quicksand type jungles.. others are like chewing gum on the sidewalk. When you bring up the stuck energy that’s blocking you from having what you desire, you can run the Clearing Statement™ to bust through the limitations holding you captive so you can choose something totally different.
Before you start waving that POD POC wand around like a Fairy Godmother – remember that clearing creates choice. You have to choose where you are going to go.
A journey doesn’t happen by staring at a map. You have to set one foot in front of the other. Remember Gandhi’s quote: BE the change you wish to see in the world!
Let’s summarise here:
- Demand more – ask for hwat you want to show up
- Run the clearing statement
- Check with your body – is it light or heavy about what is showing up
- Embody the choice – take action; make the phone call, write the book the Universe is remind you to write, paint the picture, talk to a loved one.. whatever it may be.
- BE the choice for ten seconds and then go back to point three!
- Most of all, have fun!
Everywhere that you’ve decided, maintain or limited that fun was not part of your life, you living, your being, perceiving or receiving, would you choose to destroy and uncreate that please?
Remember, The Access Consciousness Clearing Statement is designed to clear your limitations. When everything’s clear – there’s only one thing left to do! Choose!
So, what questions do you have?