Thank you for your intention and participation in the Distance Healing Event on the Full Moon, 19th March 2011.
Welcome the Full Moon of Divinity
Shining on earth, sky and sea.
A time of healing, a time of birth
Engage ~ Water, Fire, Air and Earth
We welcome Diana’s Divine Healing ~
Growing, Flowing, Empowering.
To begin, I ceremonially cleansed my sacred space and prepared it for the Healing Event. Due to the pouring rain, the ceremony was held in my Studio.
Three brown candles were lit in honour of the season of Mabon.
A quartet (representing the four corners/directions) was created from Rosw Quartz, Obsidian, Rainbow Quartz and Blue Quartz. This quartet was specifically created to connect with the elementals and the Goddess Diana.
The following prayer was offered:
We join today in this circle of Love and Energy, surrounding each person with light ~ pure white light of Divine Protection, Security and Support. Each of these people have stepped forward, acknowledging the need for connection. Understanding that together we can raise our energies to enhance connection in the power of many rather than the power of one.
We welcome and thank the Great Spirit, Our Gods and Goddesses, the Guardians of the Corners of the Earth and Elements, our Ascended Masters and Angels, All Beings of Light (known and unknown), our Spirit Guides and our Power Animals. We come forward this day, symbolically linking hands, linking hearts and linking minds; asking for the Blessing of the Full Moon ~ of the Goddess Diana upon each and every single one of us. For alignment and healing of our spiritual, our emotional, our physical and mental bodies. Bringing into the alignment that is our Truth so that our bodies, in the physical Now can heal and be at rest.
In particular, I call on Vishnu, the God of Trust. We thank Vishnu for being with us ; for allowing us to know that we are on the right path. That we can trust our gut feelings and our intuition. We thank you Vishnu for working alongside the other Gods and Goddesses for protecting our World and for being a God of balance and harmony. Thank you for your protection and mercy. Thank you for providing for each and every one of us a feeling of safety about our current World. We acknowledge that it is in your hands and that right now, we offer Love, the pure Love that connects each and every one of us. Raising our energies; lifting us up. Allow us to feel and know that Source Love that connects with our Mother Earth and Father Sky.
With this Full Moon in Virgo, please help us ground rather than being scattered far and wide. Help us find focus and alignment with Spirit; Guiding our throat, heart and third eye chakras to trust our intuition and our gut feelings; to test all things against our inner truth and integrity. We thank you Great Spirit that you give us the Choice of Free Will. Thank you for giving us the ability to journey that suits each individual perfectly.
I ceremonially presented each of the names on the healing list and offered this supplication ~
Great Spirit, Gods and Goddesses ~ You of Many Names ~ Mother of All, Father of All, please bless these people both seen and unseen who require your healing touch upon their lives. With their permission and highest good for all as intention, I offer their names to you for cleansing, protection, purification and healing. Enrich their lives, their bodies, their minds and their spirits so that each may feel your hand upon them. Thank you for offering us the bounty of your earth and the ability to manifest by thought, word and deed that which we wish to attract into our lives. Thank you Great Spirit and Universal Energy. May these actions harm none.
I then connected to the circle of energy that was created amongst us all and inscribed the Reiki Symbols over the Healing List. I progressed through each of the chakras, utilising a quartz crystal pendulum to resonate with each of these circles of energy.
Beautiful silver white energy flowed from Source to every one of us. I feel that this was the colour of abundance, spiritually and physically. Reflecting an awakening of the spiritual connection and being receptive to new ideas, our intuition and nurturing ourselves.
As the healing progressed, I affirmed on the behalf of us all:
?”We open our hearts, minds and bodies to the Universal Energy that flows and connects us all. We are ready to heal and be all that we are meant to be. We honour the energy of Vine, the tree of conviviality and celebration. We love and celebrate life ~ the gift of choice.”
The current of energy was a beautiful resonance of love and light under the beauty of the Full Moon.
I thanked Spirit for allowing us to connect and heal through the wonder of Source Energy. Then, I waited for messages to come through.
Group Message: We are being reminded to cancel, clear and delete negative thinking. Use only positive words and thoughts as they’re rapidly manifesting into form. Seek assistance from Spirit for assistance in cancelling the effects of any past negative thinking.
Source Spirit strongly urged me to use Angel Therapy deck to receive individual messages. To find yours, look for the initials of your Facebook registered name:
DM: It does not matter what we are facing, Archangel Raphael is there with us helping us to open our hearts and minds to the healing power of Spirit and the Universe. He assists us in being a catalyst for healing while not taking on what is happening with those we are serving. This allows us to be both clearer channels for the healing process as well as insuring we do not take on the problems or issues of another.
CC: Trust what you see in your mind’s eye as well as with your physical sight, for your spiritual vision helps you with healing, teaching and guidance.
DR: You are an Indigo child ~ a highly sensitive and natural born leader. You are being asked to seek a Divine Assignment so that you can use your spiritual gifts and spiritual mission ‘alive and kicking’. Ask the Archangel Metatron for assistance as he is the Angel of Indigos!
DD: You are being called to be a healer or teacher. Never mind the nerves, you are ready! Place your entire attention of answering the question: “How can I make the world a better place?” and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs.
LR: Sing and Dance. The Angels are saying to you to use Musical Expression as the means of opening up your intuitive nature. Listen to music and allow your body to ‘be the music’. Don’t mind the voice or the steps you use. Allowing yourself to be free will guide you to further intuitive development.
LP: The Archangel Jophiel reminds you of the power of your Manifestation. Your spiritual gifting and natural abilities are bringing forth your desired outcomes ~ Celebrate! The Angels certainly are!
CS: We have an Earth Angel and it is YOU! You are here as a lightworker to help us learn about love.
RG: Embrace your Divine Feminine energy, embrace the magical intuition and nurturing qualities that this gives to you! You have been spending too much time in work that is creatively ‘void’. Instead, spend time each day being Maid, Mother and ‘’Crone’ ~ you will notice an instant energy lift!
SC: You have a natural ability to connect with those who are departed. Trust this calling as the Angels support those who do so in pure Love. You are also being called to WRITE! Where is the book that you are manifesting?
AS: You have a natural and deep sensitivity. It is truly a gift and blessing to us all. Honour yourself by surrounding yourself with gentleness ~ people, experiences and media. The Angels are with you to help you maintain protection. When you are feeling especially sensitive, a plant placed next to your bedside is especially beneficial.
JM: You are so compassionate and such a sensitive lightworker that you need to regularly clear yourself of toxic energies absorbed from others. Please call upon Archangel Michael to help you shoulder these energies and to clear your body.
B: Have you noticed how your relationships and activities are changing? This is because of your increased sensitivity and awareness of energies. Shifts in your spiritual path are manifesting positive changes due to the Law of Attraction!
SD: Visualise your success and have faith in positive outcomes. Still worried? The Angels ask you to create a God Box ~ where you can physically place your written worries, concerns and/or desires and ‘offer’ them up to God. He does hear you and asks you to visualise that success!!
CeS: Another of our Indigo children with high levels of sensitivity. The Universer is poised to assist you with your natural giftings however you need to ask!
SS: Crystal energy is surrounding you and helping you with your present situation. If you are not working with specific crystal (smokey quartz is my feeling), please consider gaining some to assist you. This is especially beneficial for working with Crystal Children and healing work.
LW: There is considerable healing work being undertaken in regards to memories/experiences with your parents so that you may move forward in your soul journey. Ask your Guardian Angels to assist you in releasing negativity and moving forward with peace and serenity.
PC: You are being reminded to speak, think and act in positive ways. There is such power in positivity. When you feel negativity beginning to well within, ground yourself, focus and start again by stepping forward in your truth positively.
JRE: Archangel Michael has stepped forward to assist you in released that which no longer serves you or your purpose here in the Earthly realm. There are self-directed concerns holding you back and your heavenly cries for assistance have manifested Michael for you. If you haven’t tried automated writing, begin by writing: Archangel Michael, I am seeking guidance on my life purpose and ask you to help me write this out.
RC: You have the ‘gift of the gab’ and part of your current spiritual path is to attend and give speeches at workshops and seminars. Be open to teaching and learning opportunities that are being given to you. Remember, Moses had a speech impediment and God was still able to use him as an intermediary.
MM: You have a very strong bond with Faeries and the Fey therefore giving you a definite purpose here for working with Mother Nature for balance and preservation. Work with them by helping your environment and they, in return, will help you manifest abundantly!
KT: Archangel Raziel has stepped forward to help you understand your gut intuition in regards to situations around you in the present time. These are karmic issues with people and places stepping forward into your life. Raziel is willing to work with you and help you break these karmic cycles so that you can step forward without fear.
During the next few days, you may have or will continue to experience symptoms of detoxification and heightened awareness. These symptoms may include:
- Dizziness
- Feelings of warmth and coolness
- Headache
- Tingling
- Increased contentment
- Messages from your Guides
Ideas for continuing to work with this healing energy:
- Stop often and breathe.
- Connect with the Universe and let go of accumulated stress instead of holding onto it. Cry if you need to, shake it off, take a walk, exercise to blow off steam – whatever it takes.
- Make a conscious choice to no longer feel victimized but rather, embrace how empowered you are to make a change in your life in this moment.
Thank you again for participating and I hope that the benefits of the healing event manifest quickly and meaningfully within you.