A summary of the free energy clearing and healing session for the Reset Your Life – Adventure into Ascension broadcast on Mixlr – November 11, 2014

Broadcast Title: Perfectionism: The Perfect Crime
On connection with Spirit, I received four songs for interpretation:
- Perfect – Fairground Attraction
- Don’t Be Cruel – Cheap Trick
- Look down – Les Miserables
- Who let the Dogs Out?
What does it all mean?
Let’s set the stage for Perfectionism: The Perfect Crime
Imagine the scene – you have been asked to meet Sherlock Holmes in the Library. He paces before you. Clearly outlining the terrible crime which has been committed – self-sabotage. The victims? Joy, Playfulness, Wisdom, Self-Esteem, Contentment, Skills and Abilities. The perpetrator of this crime? YOU.
Yes, YOU! The one who has strived and fought to do things perfectly, to be perfect. The reason for this is quite simple – you require acceptance, love, success, adoration and accolades.
There’s only one problem. Even when you do succeed, you beat yourself up for not doing or being ‘better’. Sound familiar?
Perfectionists have a ‘hamster wheel’ mindset. They believe their perfect performance, talents and intelligence will attract love into their life. They are the ‘doers’, the strivers, the ones who take on too much so others will be impressed with their busy schedules.
Unfortunately, the hamster wheel of failing to meet their own invisible standards means they continue until they drop from exhaustion. Each standard acts like an energetic vampire sucking and draining you dry energetically. The Perfectionist keeps raising the bar because THIS time, they will do/be/create the perfect ‘it’.
It’s time to get off the hamster wheel and find the source of loving acceptance WITHIN yourself. Rather than worrying about having the perfect life, how about considering the creation of an amazing, adventurous and FUN life instead?
Let’s clear the energy around “Perfectionism: The Perfect Crime.”
These questions can be repeated as many times as required – every day if need be. The phrase – Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise – is an energetic clearing statement. It gets you off the hamster wheel, takes off the blinders and allows you to see, feel or know different choices!
Let’s make change ‘simples’!
Everywhere you have chosen, over your life, to be distracted, to be the perfectionist, to be the unattainable – would you now choose to release those standards from your mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions across time, space, reality and dimension? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take for every dream, creation, goal or project to be brought into being with ease? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take to revitalise your joy, playfulness, self-esteem, wisdom, talents, skills, abilities and contentment? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take to release the vice you have placed on yourself to achieve? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What choices can you choose today to make an magickal life? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take for you to find acceptance, allowance and loving joy from within yourself? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
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